Wednesday 17th October 2018
18:00 – 19:15
Albert Lecture Theatre
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (York Street entrance)

The Irish Cancer Society Collaborative Cancer Research Centre BREAST-PREDICT, in conjunction with Europa Donna Ireland and Breast Cancer Ireland, would like to invite patients, scientists, clinicians, patient advocates and other stakeholders to attend the lay event ‘Breast cancer – a growing global challenge?’.

Our guest speaker is Dr. Elisabete Weiderpass, an epidemiologist with wide experience in cancer and other non-communicative diseases research. Her main interests are in etiological cancer research and ways to prevent chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, as well as in studying factors affecting cancer survival and overall mortality. Dr. Weiderpass serves as Professor of Cancer Epidemiology at University of Tromsø (Norway), Professor of Medical Epidemiology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm (Sweden), Head of the Research Department at Cancer Registry of Norway, and Leader of the Genetic Epidemiology group at Folkhälsan Research Center at the University of Helsinki in Finland. She also serves as Visiting Professor at Universities in China, Iran, Kuwait and Finland. During 25 years of work in science, she has been involved in more than 30 international projects. She has published extensively in recognized international medical journals, as well as co-authored several books. She has established a broad scientific network on all continents.

In May 2018, Dr. Weiderpass was elected by representatives of 26 countries as the new Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), World Health Organization, from 1st January 2019 onwards.

Venue: Albert Lecture Theatre, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St. Stephen’s Green (York St. entrance)

Travel options:

All welcome to attend upon free registration!

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